Tuesday, August 11, 2015

College food hacks

What should I eat in the dorms? How often an I eat the baked ziti without being a glutton? How do I avoid the freshman 15? These are a few questions college students navigate through. As a college graduate myself I navigated nutrition throughout my entire time in college. It's where I figured out what was healthy and how to cook! 

Cooking in a dorm or crappy house can be a challenge though. Here are a few staples I used to make in college or found in the dorms. 

Cereal & granola 
Granola bars
Lots of coffee

Lunch & dinner
Salad (we had a salad spinner at my dorm that a frequented) 
Make your own stir fry
Mexican bowls
Healthy vegetarian boxed meals (Annie's or healthy choice) 

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