About Ambria

I'm Ambria and this blog is an adventure to me of sorts. I was lucky to grow up in a house with two great cooks who cooked mainly all ethnic food (Hungarian and Mexican). My parents rock and I'm still trying to perfect my dad's enchiladas.

 My own journey has been marked with years of figuring out what healthy is. I started as a bullied teenage girl who had lost all sense of self esteem, quit dance classes and drowned out all negative energy by listening to heavy metal music, spending hours on the internet, wearing black clothing large enough for two of me to fit into it and eating tubs of Nesquik, bread & cheese. Needless to say, I quickly gained almost 80 lbs in two years. 

My sister and I before a run!
By high school my parents and I knew I needed to tackle my demons head on. So I went on a low carb diet, lost around 50 lbs and through beautiful friendship slowly started to gain a sense of who I was again. While my weight fluctuated, college led me to virtuous friendships, an outlet to accomplish dreams and aspirations as well as to a  relationship with Our Lord who gave me strength to overcome my wounds & feel peace at the presence of someone else wanting to direct me. I also started reading blogs and looking more into health and exercise. I became a vegetarian and started eating foods that were not common in my household growing: nuts, whole wheat grains, fruits and vegetables.

My team my first year as a missionary!
At the end of college I knew I was called to be a Catholic Missionary and allow God to take me wherever he wanted locationally. So I spent two years radically leaving everything I had ever known to live in the Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains. Here I learned what it means to serve, to find love outside of your family, and came to become a young woman living on my own. I spent my free time documenting on a blog called Vegesus my journey with eating a vegetarian and sometimes vegan plate.

Now I am still a Catholic missionary living in Connecticut leading a team of three in the adventures of starting a new ministry on a college campus. I am just now learning to rest in the fact that I am unconditionally loved and cared for. I've come to understand the

energy, moderation & freedom that God, exercise & food can give you. Speaking of freedom, this year I found out I had a gluten and dairy intolerance which has completely changed my diet. I now eat white meats that I try to buy as sustainably, hormone free and budget friendly as possible. 

This blog documents my life and travels as a missionary, healthy, light and natural recipes created and modified by me, and a bit of some of my other adventures as I try to master the art of living. This isn't all about creativity. It's about capturing small moments, doing things that bring you life, and inviting others to share in it. My artful life includes by working out (blogilates.com is my fave!), reading, painting, handwritten letters and praying early in the a.m. My two favorite roles in life are being an Aunt and a sister. Check out my fam below!

My Niece and Nephew 
The three of them!

Little Sweet Tooth :)